Training, the next phase of Project Odyssey, has begun for for physicians and other providers with eLearning for these groups becoming available today. Training is mandatory for all physicians and other providers who want to work at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) post-go-live. Training for all other Epic end users will begin in January.
A toolkit (PDF) with details about training for physicians and other providers is available below.*
*file updates on January 23, 2022
Who registers physicians and other providers for training
Beginning December 20, physicians and other providers will be registered for training by their department chief, clinical director or program director, who will also validate that they have been assigned to the correct training track for their role in the Learning Management System (LMS).
eLearning must be completed prior to physician and other providers’ in-class training
Once registered for training, physicians and other providers will be able to log into the LMS to complete their assigned eLearning videos, which are no more than 5 minutes long each, at a time that is convenient for them. eLearning will take between 15 minutes and 2 hours to complete, depending on role, and must be completed before physicians and other providers can proceed to classroom training, which will begin in April.
How to log into the LMS
•Navigate to the LMS website:
•Use your usual credentials to log into the LMS – for physicians, this may be your McMaster, Medportal or other email address
•If you have technical issues, please email
How to test out of Epic training
With some exceptions, physicians and other providers who have trained or worked in Epic at another hospital in the last year are eligible to ‘test out’ of classroom training by challenging the end user proficiency assessment (EUPA).
Physicians and other providers wishing to test out of training must let their department chief, clinical director or program director know of their intention no later than January 7 so they can be assigned the EUPA in the LMS. The deadline to challenge the EUPA is January 21.
Physicians and providers wishing to test out must pass the EUPA on the first try, and if they are unsuccessful, they will be registered for eLearning and classroom training. End user settings labs are required for all physicians and other providers, including those who test out of training.
The following areas are not eligible to test out of Epic training because of new features and workflows within HHS’ Epic system that are not available at other hospitals:
•Pediatrics and pediatric sub-specialties
•Pediatric neurology
•Pathology (AP, GP)
•Orthopedic surgery
•Lab medicine
What to do next
•Watch your HHS email inbox for a message letting you know you have been registered for training and that your assigned eLearning is available.
•Log into the LMS and complete your assigned eLearning before your first in-class training session.
•If you wish to test out of training, let your department chief, clinical director or program director know before January 7 and complete the EUPA before January 21.
Key dates for physicians and other providers:
•Dec. 20: eLearning available for physicians and other providers
•Jan. 21: Deadline for physicians and other providers to test out of Epic training
•Feb. 28: Deadline for physicians and other providers who do not test out to be registered for training
•April 4: In-class training begins for all Epic end users
For more information about Project Odyssey, HHS’ journey to becoming an Epic hospital, visit the Hub (must be in Citrix) or email .
This article originally been published on HHS HUB on Dec 20.2021