Epic training registration has begun and eLearning is available now for physicians and other providers. This group includes physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, physician assistants, dentists and residents. Training registration and eLearning for non-provider roles will be available later in January.
Physicians and other providers do not need to register themselves for training – they will be registered for training in the Learning Management System (LMS) by their Odyssey lead/specialty champion, clinical director or program director, most of whom have assigned their administrative assistant or program coordinator as a delegate to complete the registration process. A list of people who have been set up in the LMS to register physicians and other providers is available on the Hub (must be in Citrix). Resources are available on the Hub to help leaders/delegates with the registration process, including a toolkit, tip sheet and course catalogue (must be in Citrix).
If you have technical issues, please email ProviderEpicTraining@hhsc.ca
How to access eLearning – physicians and providers only
The following steps are for physicians and other providers only. Training registration and eLearning will be available for all other Epic end users later in January.
•Navigate to the LMS website: https://mylearning.hhsc.ca
The LMS is available outside of Citrix
You must access the LMS using Google Chrome, not Internet Explorer
•Use your usual credentials to log into the LMS – for physicians, this may be your McMaster, Medportal or other email address
•Find your eLearning – it will be under the “My Courses” tab in the blue header at the top of the screen, or at bottom of the list along the left-hand side of your screen and will be labelled according to your role in Epic (e.g., ED physician, inpatient physician)
•Click on each assigned eLearning module to view the information
Each video will be no more than 5 minutes long and you will have between 15 minutes and 2 hours of content to watch, depending on your role
•If you have technical issues, please email ProviderEpicTraining@hhsc.ca
eLearning must be completed before in-class training begins in April. You can log in to the LMS and review the videos again at any time.
Screenshot of eLearning courses for a Pediatric Intensivist in the LMS
Deadline to test out is Feb 4 – physicians and other providers only
Note: The training team has compiled a final list of physicians/providers who are eligible to test out and will contact them directly with more information. The deadline to let your chief, director or program director know of your intention to test out was Jan. 7. If you missed this deadline, you will be registered for the full training program.
Epic training is mandatory for all staff and physicians who need to work in the system post-implementation, but those who have trained or worked in Epic at another hospital in the last year are eligible to ‘test out’ of classroom training by challenging the end user proficiency assessment (EUPA).
The EUPA is a short true/false and multiple choice question test that assesses a user’s familiarity with the Epic system in order to ensure patient safety. You will find the EUPA in the LMS and the last date to challenge the EUPA is Feb 4. If you have technical issues, please email ProviderEpicTraining@hhsc.ca.
Physicians and other providers wishing to test out must pass the EUPA (80% or higher) on the first attempt, and if they are unsuccessful, they will be registered for eLearning and in-class training. eLearning must be completed before in-class training begins in April.
Mandatory end user settings labs will improve go-live experience
End user settings labs are required for all physicians and other providers, including those who test out of training. These sessions are highly beneficial because they will enable providers to set up their personal mobile devices and personalized settings within Epic, which will significantly improve users’ experience at go-live. During end user settings labs, physicians and other providers will also receive Nuance Dragon Medical (voice recognition) training. Each physician or other provider only needs to attend one end user settings lab, which will be roughly 4 hours in duration.
For more information about Project Odyssey, HHS’ journey to Epic, visit the Hub (must be in Citrix) or email odyssey@hhsc.ca
This article was originally posted on HHS Hub on January 17, 2022 and revised on February 1, 2022 to include new deadline date and training guide pdf.