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Time-sensitive: please read to see if this applies to you

Dear colleagues.

This is an important message that you need to read to determine if it applies to you.

Thanks to all who have worked to complete outstanding charts so far.

Going forward, incomplete charts older than 6 months need to be signed off or completed by April 30th.

The remainder up to 3 months old need to be signed off by May 31st.

After that, any remaining charts will be converted into Epic.

These are hard deadlines.

As we have mentioned earlier, conversion of outstanding charts into Epic is a manual process that is extremely time consuming, expensive and will still require you to process them. Please note: in Epic, outstanding chart items automatically trigger a process that is transparent and accountable to your heads of service or chiefs directly. There are less than 1000 outstanding chart items remaining. Please let's get these outstanding items completed before we do cutover. Tell your colleagues in case they don’t see this message.


Deepak Dath

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