You’ve heard Epic is coming to HHS in June 2022.
But what will that look like for you?
A series of day-in-the-life scenario cards are now available on the Hub. The cards are intended to help staff and physicians understand the some of the changes Epic will bring to your day-to-day work.
The cards also provide a breakdown of the some of the system’s unique benefits as they relate to your role, including enhancing patient safety and improving your work experience with better workflows.
View the scenario cards on the Hub
“These are high-level overviews to show some of the differences between now, in our current state, and the future with Epic, plus all the expected positive outcomes for HHS,” says Dr. Barry Lumb, executive lead for Project Odyssey. “We want these to be conversation starters to help get everyone ready for Epic, which will go live in less than six months.”
Who are the cards for?
Every user of the new system, including all providers and clinical staff, should review the scenario cards. They cover approximately 50 different roles at HHS to provide a general idea of what the future looks like for select areas.
What if I don’t see my role listed?
Though not all roles are covered, the cards are a guide for all Epic users. Day-in-the-life activities and other readiness activities set for early 2022 will provide staff and physicians with support and more information about what will come with Epic.
What you can do now
• View the scenario cards on the Hub. They are available in the FAQ and documents section . (Must be in Citrix to access link.)
• Find your role using the index available.
• Review the information on the card.
• Share any feedback and questions with your leader or email odyssey@hhsc.ca .
Go to the Hub for more information about Project Odyssey , HHS’ journey to becoming an Epic hospital.
Original Article was published on HHS Hub on December 6, 2021. Click here to view it.